Strategy consulting for the City of Vienna

Structure and perspective for sustainable development

From climate change to digitalization, from the mobility and heating transition to sustainable urban development: the City of Vienna – just like other cities and regions – is facing a multitude of challenges and comprehensive transformation processes. In order to be able to address these comprehensively and far-sightedly, the city is developing strategies. UIV Urban Innovation Vienna regularly supports different departments in this process from the analysis to the conception phase to the implementation phase.

In dialogue with urban actors, stakeholders and experts, we analyze trends, show development perspectives and evaluate the strategic planning framework. We manage publications and organize accompanying events.


    z.B. Bereichsleitung für Klimaangelegenheiten, MA 18 – Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung Wien, MA 20 – Energieraumplanung, MA 21 – Flächenwidmung und Stadtteilplanung, MA-51 – Sport Wien, MD/OS-PIKT, Wien Tourismus, …

    (c) UIV/ Matt Observe
    (c) UIV/ Matt Observe

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