Renewable energy consulting service

Expertise and support when switching to renewable energy

On behalf of the City of Vienna, the Climate and Innovation Agency advises on switching to clean sources of energy. Our consulting service effectively drives decarbonization in Vienna: In addition to individual advice, we design innovative event to specifically target commercial property owners, property managers, owner associations, interest groups and companies. The events serve to provide information and networking.

The advisory service website offers current information on funding and approval procedures. We have our own rooms available for personal advice at our location in Vienna’s Operngasse.

We are partners in the Wiener Sonnenstromoffensive, actively approach property developers and companies with large sealed areas and support them in the construction of photovoltaic systems. For multi-storey residential buildings, we are currently developing new advisory support on behalf of the City of Vienna, which should lead to quicker decisions in residential buildings with multiple owners.

The Climate and Innovation Agency is also Vienna’s official contact point for energy communities. Our experts provide information and support in the preparation of the collective production and distribution of renewable energy. In this way, they support owners’ associations in building their energy community.


MA 20 – Energieplanung

Learn more about the service
(C) MA20/Fürthner

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